Monday, June 24, 2024

Jamaal Bowman’s Profane, Antisemitic Pep Rally

By Luther Ray Abel

Sunday, June 23, 2024


Former middle-school principal and current congressman Jamaal Bowman (D., N.Y.), best known for his fire-alarm-pulling antics, strident anti-Israel rhetoric, and membership in the infamous “Squad,” had quite the day on Saturday, when he attended a get-out-the-vote rally in the South Bronx. While complaining about AIPAC’s efforts to unseat him, Jamaal Bowman stomped up and down a stage shouting profanities while trying to get the crowd worked up in favor of its allegedly persecuted representative. President Camacho could be seen taking notes on crowd work for his next State of the Union address.

“We’re all going to show f***ing AIPAC the power of the motherf***ing South Bronx. People ask me why I’ve got a foul mouth: What am I supposed to do? You comin’ after me. You comin’ after my family. You comin’ after my children. I’m not supposed to fight back? We’re going to show them who the f*** we are.”


There’s not much more embarrassing than seeing a grown man try his hand at WWE-style stump speeches while whining about his political opponents’ successfully fundraising on all the stupid things he has said and done in the past.


As our Jeff Blehar wrote just days ago about the congressman’s past and present speech:


Jamaal Bowman wants you to know that he’s now sincerely sorry about all those rapes.


Not ones that he committed himself, mind you. (Bowman may be a deeply goofy, lumbering “Squad” Democrat representing Westchester County, N.Y., with all the worst progressive politics in the world, but he is reportedly quite the genially approachable fellow.) The rapes of all those Israeli women, that is — atrocities committed on and after the October 7 surprise attack by Hamas on the Jewish state. Politico reported this morning, in an entry from its “New York Playbook,” that Bowman, currently running for his life against locally popular Westchester County executive George Latimer in the Democratic primary set for next Tuesday, now regrets having called reports of brutal sexual violence inflicted (indeed, GoPro’ed) by Hamas terrorists on Israeli women “propaganda” and “lies.”


Back in November, Bowman sang a different tune: On November 17, he stated that “there’s still no evidence of beheaded babies or raped women, but they still keep using that lie [for] propaganda.” Now he’s sorry. “Immediately when the U.N. provided additional evidence, I voted to condemn the sexual violence. I apologize for my comments, and now we’re continuing to do the work to fight sexual violence and domestic violence in all its forms.” I suppose that finding yourself so far underwater in your reelection polling that you can see the bottom of the Hudson — “So that’s where they stashed Hoffa!” — gives a man ample cause to reconsider his political follies (Emerson had him down 48–31 against Latimer as of two weeks ago), but I somehow doubt the contrition is sincere.


The reality is that Bowman is a maliciously stupid man, incapable of understanding cause and effect, who has to be protected by cagier leftists like AOC and Bernie Sanders, who’ve been stumping for him. AIPAC is powerful because Americans overwhelmingly support Israel, just as gun-rights groups are powerful because many Americans believe in the right to bear arms. What leftists like Bowman fail to realize is that these groups are not astroturfed as many of their progressive counterparts are. These organizations are active forms of widely held views — they occur naturally, and Congress responds to majority support far more than it does to any one lobbyist because smart politicians gauge American priorities and at least pay lip service to them.


Thankfully for former-principal Bowman, the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers always have room for progressive fools, should he lose. He could step from a taxpayer-supported role to another taxpayer-supported role without missing a beat of his antisemitic slam poetry.

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