Monday, July 1, 2024

To Save Democracy, You Have Just One Choice

By Charles C. W. Cooke

Monday, July 01, 2024


Jim notes that, on Saturday, Jill Biden told Democratic fundraisers:


Joe isn’t just the right person for the job. He’s the only person for the job.


Jim then explains correctly that “this isn’t how our system works.” Agreed. I’d recommend reading it.


I’d just add that, the Constitution to one side, this is also a bizarre political message, given that the core argument being made in favor of Joe Biden’s candidacy is that he will “save democracy.” As in 2022, the Democrats have already begun to insist that, if voters want to protect democracy — in this context, the process by which we choose whom we want to be president — then they don’t have a choice about for whom they vote. In and of itself, that’s a tough sell. But, on Saturday, Jill Biden extended it to the primary process. Apparently, if Americans wish to keep their ability to choose their leaders, they have to acknowledge that Joe Biden is the only person who can be the Democratic nominee and the only person who can be president. Good luck persuading Americans of that.

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