Thursday, May 12, 2022

That Was Fast

By Kevin D. Williamson

Wednesday, May 11, 2022


A couple of months ago, the Centers for Disease Control was the gold standard of responsible public policy, our Democratic friends told us. Now, the same people are running around shrieking through their N95s because Justice Alito’s draft Dobbs opinions contains . . . a quotation from the CDC.


Our Democratic friends spent a lot of time lecturing us about civility during the Tea Party protests and the Trump administration. Now, we have not uncivil but anti-civility testimonies from Joan Walsh in the Nation, Lauren Rankin in Slate, and others.


To say that one branch of government is illegitimate because you lost an election was treason in 2021. (It was hunky-dory in 2000 and 2016.) To say that a different branch of government is illegitimate because you think you may lose a court case is the height of patriotism.


Surely, there is a detectable pattern in this.

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