Sunday, May 11, 2014

The Big Lie Exposed: Liberals Hate Diversity

By Jeff Crouere
Sunday, May 11, 2014

Liberals are always preaching the values of diversity and inclusion. Regrettably, such platitudes are just rhetoric, because upon closer examination liberals hate diversity.

As evidence, just examine some recent and disturbing activities on the campus of Rutgers University. After former Secretary of State and National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice was invited to give the commencement address, liberals went crazy. In February, the faculty council passed a resolution demanding that the university withdraw their invitation to Rice. Thereafter, student protesters stormed the office of the Rutgers President to express their disapproval of the selection and condemn Rice as a war criminal.

What is ironic in this whole series of events is that Rice no conservative, but a very moderate Republican, who just happened to serve in the George W. Bush administration. Her academic and professional credentials are extraordinary and Rutgers students should have been extremely grateful to have someone of her caliber address them.

Unfortunately, only negative protests were heard from students and faculty, so Dr. Rice eventually decided to decline the invitation. In her letter to the university, Rice noted that “I have defended America’s belief in free speech and the exchange of ideas. These values are essential to the health of our democracy.”

Sadly, it seems that universities are no longer committed to free speech or open debate as only liberalism is allowed. This trend has been occurring across the nation for years. Whereas, universities are supposed to be laboratories for free discussion, embracing all ideological viewpoints; upon closer examination, liberalism is not only dominant, it is unchallenged.

On a regular basis, conservative speakers are either completely shunned or, if they are invited, verbally and even physically attacked on campus. Conservative commentator Ann Coulter, among many others, has been targeted. Today, even moderates like Dr. Rice are unwelcome.

Among the top universities in the nation, the commencement speaker list for 2014 is a Who’s Who of liberalism. Delivering graduation addresses this year will be former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg at Harvard University, Secretary of State John Kerry at Yale University, former Vice President Al Gore at Princeton University, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi at the University of California- Berkeley, MSNBC host Chris Matthews at Ohio State University, President Barack Obama at the University of California-Irvine and First Lady Michelle Obama at Dillard University in New Orleans.

At none of these universities will there be protests from conservatives outraged at the liberal commencement speaker. Conservatives understand that the overwhelming majority of college professors and administrators are liberal. They are also not threatened by a liberal giving a speech. They are secure in their beliefs and will listen with respect, even if they disagree.

In contrast, liberals are totally threatened by an opposing viewpoint. They are not at all secure in their beliefs and are worried about their set of principles being tested by a contrary position. Thus, liberals exploded with discontent at the idea of Condoleezza Rice speaking at their university.

Liberal thought is pervasive and is dominant at almost all colleges and universities in the nation. As a result, parents pay $60,000 per year in tuition at prestigious institutions such as Tulane University for professors like Melissa Harris Perry of MSNBC and James Carville, former Clinton advisor.

It is no wonder that students graduate from college and then vote for Democrat candidates. It is only through experience and trying to maintain a household, paying taxes, opening a business, dealing with bureaucracy and red tape that many of these brain washed youngsters begin to see the fallacies of liberal policies in action.

Thus, the real world proves to be a more valuable teaching tool than the liberal indoctrination in those ivory towers.

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