Sunday, January 13, 2013

Oakland’s Radical Occupy Teachers Finally Reveal Their Goal: ‘Abolish Capitalism’

By Kyle Olson
Saturday, January 12, 2013
At least the teachers of Occupy Oakland are finally being honest about their political agenda.
They’re openly calling for an all-out abolition of capitalism.
The Occupy Oakland Education Committee – comprised of public school teachers from the Oakland, California school district – has renamed its publication “ClassRoom Struggle” and its platform TEACH, which stands for “Transform Education, Abolish Capitalism and Heal.”
Finally the radical teachers have acknowledged what we’ve been saying all along: they want to end capitalism and replace it with a socialist economy, quite possibly enforced by a totalitarian form of government.
And what, precisely, is their strategy? They tell us that goal number one is to abolish “capitalist schools.”
“What we are calling to abolish is not education but rather capitalism,” the group wrote in a statement. “We see the struggle to abolish capitalist schools as one place where we can begin to chip away at capitalism’s grasp on our society. Capitalist tendencies run deep into the structure and politics of schools.
Operated the proper way, these schools have a great deal of potential for left-wing causes, according to the Oakland group.
“While public schools have served a role in developing white supremacist, capitalist and imperialist ideology and social structure (for example through segregated schools, tracked programs, mandated pledge of allegiance, etc.), they have also been key sites of struggle and served as assets for movements of working class students of color and other youth struggles,” the group wrote.
The last part is the scariest. They clearly want to encourage rebellious behavior among young student and recruit them into their anti-American movement.
The teachers have an absolute right to subscribe to any silly political theory they choose. That’s one of the great things about living in the country they hate. But many teachers in Oakland and throughout the U.S. have been using their classrooms as “assets” for their radical movements. They seek to brainwash youngsters into hating America and mistrusting the economic system that has given our nation a very high standard of living.
This proves what domestic terrorist-turned-professor Bill Ayers recently said: Radical leftist teachers have a great deal of influence in our schools, and they should use it to further the revolutionary cause.
America will continue its slide toward socialism as long as radical activists like Ayers and the Oakland teachers are allowed to use our taxpayer-funded schools as bully pulpits and recruiting zones for their movement.

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