Saturday, July 18, 2009

Americans Are Against the Health Care Proposal

Matt Towery
Thursday, July 16, 2009

First, thank you to the hundreds of readers from across the nation who took the time to personally write me about my recent column comparing the memorial for Michael Jackson to those of seven soldiers killed in Afghanistan just days earlier. Very few took shots at Jackson -- nor did I -- but they understood my point in saying that men and women who die for our country are heroes, too.

Now to a subject that may appear either to have been beaten to death or to be a done deal -- the proposed health reform bill that the House of Representatives passed out of committee this past week. Let me make it clear that my company, a polling firm, has no client in the healthcare arena. Perhaps we should, because the national survey we conducted this week for one of the publications we own indicates clearly that while the House and President Obama may love the proposal, the American public hates it.

We polled 636 registered voters nationwide (margin of error 3.8 percent; poll weighted for age, race, gender and political affiliation.) The questions were simple ones about the legislation. There was no hype or "poison language" that many pollsters use to slant results.

Consider the response to the question, "What is your opinion of the proposed government-run healthcare program which is currently a part of the U.S. House of Representatives overall healthcare legislation?" Thirty-seven percent of respondents said they favored it, while 52 percent said they were opposed, with 11 percent undecided.

If you want to know why this healthcare proposal is a loser, you need go no further than to the next question we asked. "What level of trust do you have in the federal government's ability to provide and administer an efficient and effective healthcare program?" Only 26 percent said they trust the government to do so. That response is staggering.

Before people start throwing stones at the poll, let me offer a little response ahead of time. Our firm is non-partisan. We poll for major news organizations. In the 2008 race we showed Barack Obama winning in states like Florida, North Carolina and Virginia. We were right. As a result, a man who Time magazine named as one of The 100 Most Influential People in the World, whose entire job is to take polling data and predict results, named our firm, InsiderAdvantage as one of the three most accurate national pollsters for the 2008 presidential race. It ain't bragging if it's true, and I make this point so that those who reject the results of this poll must contend with the fact that we nailed Barack Obama's victory in November in very hotly contested states.

So why is this entire healthcare effort on the part of Congress such a non-starter? First of all, it involves the federal government. I would say given their track record in everything from delivering your mail to controlling costs, they probably rate pretty low with the public.

Next there is the issue of priorities. Right now most people are scared about whether they will have a job this time next year. Reforming healthcare is really about the last thing on their collective minds.

Moreover, they don't even trust the government programs that currently exist. Seventy-three percent of the respondents said that "in terms of dollars," they consider there to be significant waste in the federal Medicaid and Medicare programs. Sixty-one percent said that the waste in those programs should be addressed before any new legislation is enacted.

What should be most disturbing to the Democratically controlled Congress and to the White House is that, along with Republicans, a majority of independent voters opposed the proposal. Mind you, these are the very swing voters who put President Obama into office back in November. You can bet that the White House is seeing the same numbers we saw, and they likely are starting to realize that a House of Representatives over-the-top bill will be the kiss of death for anything Obama wants to pass.

As for the Senate, how would you like to be Bill Nelson of Florida or Kay Hagan of North Carolina, in whose states support for the bill is even weaker? These moderate Democrats are in deep trouble. They want to support "change we can believe in," but the problem is that their constituents don't like the change being proposed.

Maybe another reason for displeasure is that people are now learning how the plan would be funded. About half of the respondents to the poll said that either they or a family member worked for a company that does not currently provide health benefits. When asked what they thought the leadership of their company would do if either forced to pay for insurance or pay a tax of up to eight percent of each uninsured employee's salary, 59 percent said their company would either reduce the number of employees or try to lower salaries.

Trust me, this is one ugly bill.

1 comment:

Brittanicus said...

It is a shame that some Americans are so gullible, to the outlandish propaganda and lies spat in the newspapers, television and radio about Obama’s health care agenda. They have demonized the British, Canadian and other worthy plans. Hidden under a disguise cover, these radical entities are determined to keep the special interest organizations in absolute power. Comprising of the money-draining profitable insurance companies and their rich stockholders. They don't want any changes to the broken system of medical care, because it will hurt the status quo. I was born in England, in the county of Sussex and until the inception of the European Union and the European Parliament dictating to Britain. That they must accept millions of foreign workers, the nations medical system was exemplary. I never had to wonder if I would have to file bankruptcy, to pay my medical bills, or listen to the incessant ring of debt collectors on the phone.

On several occasions I ended up in the cottage hospital and their was never a cost applied to it, never a ream of paperwork. Incidentally, I choose my own doctor where I Lived. The longest I waited for surgery was three months, as it was not an emergency. No doctor, no hospital or specialist asking me for my Social Security number, drivers license or if I was covered by a predatory for-profit insurer. No premiums, no-cops and pre-existing condition clauses. Yes! Didn't have a private room, but who cares? Today the British Isles is being submerged under a barrage of legal and illegal immigrants, who have never paid into the system, have caused some rationing. Prior to the importation of foreign labor my trips to doctor, to hospital, the eye or a dentist was paid from my taxation. Unless we pass a national health care agenda, Americans will never know what it's like to breeze through their lives, without worrying about paying for health care? Tell your Senators and Congressman you want an alternative to the--GET RICH-- insurance companies, before a Universal health care is killed. 202-224-312 REMEMBER THE INVESTORS AND STOCKHOLDERS DON'T WANT THEIR PIECE OF THE $$$TRILLION$$$ DOLLAR PIE DISTURBED. EVEN SOME POLITICIANS HAVE THEIR DIRTY FINGERS IN THE PIE?