By Jeffrey Blehar
Saturday, January 04, 2025
Over at the Carnival
of Fools, I’ve foolishly undertaken to write up the Year in Review for National
Review. Part one (covering January through late June) rang in the New Year last Tuesday. Part two, covering the
pell-mell madness of July and onward, arrives on Tuesday morning. (Obligatory
plug: Subscribe!)
But today I wanted to specifically address the
hinge-point: June 27, when Joe Biden stepped onstage for the first and last
debate of his 2024 campaign for the presidency. The first presidential debate
effectively ended Joe Biden’s electoral career on the spot. I consider it not
only the most important moment of the year, but of the decade: You will have to
cast all the way back to the darkness of September of 2001 for a more
dramatically pivotal moment in American politics.
The reality of Biden’s concealed mental collapse — a
fundamental deception foisted upon America by a cadre of advisers and a
complicit party with Biden’s consent — not only ended his reelection campaign,
it revealed his entire administration to be one giant ongoing fraud. It also
confirmed our mainstream media as functionally worthless: either “benevolently incurious”
about Biden’s years-long decay for vulgarly partisan reasons, or appallingly
incompetent beyond all rational description.
Biden’s meltdown — in front of the cameras, in front of
the American voters, before the eyes of the entire world — was written
about endlessly and eloquently by everyone else here at the time. The others,
being faster writers than me, quickly pointed out the obvious: that Biden’s
rictus-faced, slurred performance was so devastatingly inarticulate that it not
only ruled out any idea of his serving another four years, it called into
question his fitness to continue in office even one more day. I was left only
to add a paraphrase of Kingsley Amis’s legendary apocryphal retitling of Robert
Conquest’s The Great Terror: “We Told You So, You F***ing Fools.”
It was worth pointing out. For what was, merely one day
before, verboten to say in polite media company — that Joe Biden was a
mental invalid being shielded from coverage by his handlers and an eagerly
servile press — became instantly and undeniably known to all, beyond hope of
concealment. In part one of the “Year in Review” I wrote about how the first half of 2024 felt naggingly
irrelevant and frivolous, wasted discussing everything but the single
most important story in the country:
This nags at me because I feel like
our attentions were intentionally misdirected. All along, there was really only
one important political story the media should have been focused on: the mental
decay of President Joe Biden as he sought another four years in office.
Throughout that period the story was consistently ignored by everyone except
conservatives, until it was far too late for excuses.
We now know of course that indeed this was the case: that
all along, we were being sinisterly misdirected by an administration seeking to
conceal the mental and physical collapse of the president as he ran for four
more years in office. This attempted sleight of hand fooled nobody — neither
conservatives nor the voting public at large — because politics isn’t amateur
stage magic. The only ones fooled, curiously enough? Partisan professional
Democrats and the mainstream media.
Their shared underlying motivations were as obvious then
as they are disgraceful now, given the media’s magisterial pretensions. Spin it
whichever way you wish: Both Democrats and the media either wished to fool
America into thinking Biden had a functioning brain or, at the very least (and
arguably far worse) wished to be fooled by the magic act themselves. The
problem is that magic isn’t real. Biden and his handlers were incapable
of conjuring even a semi-lucid version of the man, presenting only a
half-animate shell instead. (It is not enough to merely make a president
disappear; you need to make him reappear as well for the trick to
actually work.)
It would be easy enough to think of 2024 as a failed
magic trick botched by a bunch of legendary bunglers who nevertheless demand to be taken seriously. The problem with that is
there’s far too much comedy in that image, and nothing about what we suffered
through this year was funny in the slightest. The fundamental falsehood of the
entire Biden administration — as a fraud, as a front half-openly run by
unelected advisers — is a political and civic travesty beyond all American
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